Our current Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on June 30, 2023.
In January 2023, CUPE 59 sent a bargaining survey to all members to collect information and feedback for the next round of bargaining and approximately 710 members have completed this survey. Our intent was to get to the bargaining table as soon as possible and use the information provided to formulate our bargaining proposals. The CUPE 59 Executive Committee is seeking a fair, negotiated settlement that will be ratified by our membership.
Issues that were brought forward by the membership through the survey were wage increases, hours of work, working from home, improvements to vacation, compassionate leave, improved shift differential, boot allowance, retaining deferred leave and EDOs and a number of other proposals. We have talked about these issues during our bargaining sessions and plan on discussions concerning wage increases in upcoming bargaining meetings.
The CUPE 59 Bargaining Team has met with the Employer a number of times and bargaining sessions are set up for August 2024.